Non-Player Character (NPC)

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A character controlled by the GM.

To reflect your character’s existence in the world, you need to come up with two NPCs that are important to you. One NPC must be an ally, and one an adversary. An ally is someone to help or seek help from. They could be a lost parent you’re searching for, a childhood friend you used to pull pranks with, or a mentor who taught you how to be brave. Your ally is not a follower, they will not blindly do whatever you tell them to. An adversary is someone who makes your life more difficult. They could be an overbearing guardian, a rival who always seems to be just a bit ahead of you, or a guard who wants to toss you in jail. Your character should have a personal connection to their adversary, and vice versa. These NPCs can live down the street or on another continent. Wherever they are, you should expect to either interact with them or have news about them revealed during the campaign. You do not need to go through the whole character creation process with these NPCs. At minimum, write a few sentences about how your character met them and why they are important to your character.

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