AP Wiki:Rules for magic

From AP Wiki

This page compiles a list of the rules for creating new magic elements and spells. The rules are intended to maintain balance.

Scale, Range, & Duration

Each spell has scale, range, and duration (SRD) properties that can be improved temporarily while casting or permanently through spell progression.


Scale determines the scope or size of the spell. There are five different scales and spells generally keep the same scale, only growing in size.

Scale References
Type Measurement Description
Object Number A number of objects specified in the spell description
Point Number A number of points in space.
Line Meters (m)
Feet (ft)
A single continuous line. Usually originates from the caster
Area Square meters (m2)
Square feet (ft2)
A single continuous surface. Can be horizontal or vertical.
Volume Cubic meters (m3)
Cubic feet (ft3)
A single continuous volume. Some volumes limited in shape.


Range determines how far a spell can strike. Range is divided into seven distances and listed on a spell as either a single distance or "distance 1 - distance 2".

A spell with a single distance listed can only hit targets in that range. For example, a spell with "Range: Near" can only hit targets within 10 meters but beyond the casters reach. A target that moves right up to the caster would be out of the spell's range.

A spell with multiple distances listed can hit targets from the minimum of the shorter distance to the maximum of the farther distance. For example, a spell with "Range: Reach - Far" can hit a target anywhere from the caster's reach up to 30 meters away. The spell could not affect the caster or more distant targets.

Distance References
Distance Target Description
Self The caster
  • Can affect what the caster is wearing or holding
  • Held objects must be fully supported by the caster (ie. not on the ground)
  • Held objects must be smaller than the caster
Reach Anything the caster touches Attack spells require a minimum range of reach
Near Within ~10 meters (~30 feet) Corresponds to typical movement range
Far Within ~30 meters (~100 feet)
Distant Within ~100 meters (~300 feet)
Sight Within line of sight Getting a good vantage point is a valid way to increase the range
Remote Anywhere* *Specifics are detailed in the spell's description


Duration determines how long a magical effect lasts. Duration is divided into seven terms and listed on a spell as a single term. A spell with one term can be cast for any shorter term without penalty.

Term References
Term Description
Instant Lasts for only a brief moment and the effect ends
Active Concentration Lasts while the caster is focused on maintaining the spell effect
Passive Concentration Lasts while the caster is conscious and not casting any other spells
Hour Lasts up to an hour
Day Lasts up to a day
Month Lasts up to a month
Permanent Lasts until the effect is dispelled



All magic elements should have a single cantrip that represents the most fundamental control over that element. Each cantrip can be used for Attack, Defense, and Utility.

Cantrips generally begin with very similar SRD

Scale: 1 object | Range: Reach | Duration: Instant

that can be improved to

Scale: 4 objects | Range: Self-Far | Duration: Passive Concentration

Cantrip SRD can vary with different scales, but Range and Duration should not extend beyond Self-Far and Passive Concentration.

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