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A boost is a magic effect, similar to a spell, that can be cast instantaneously. Boosts can enhance certain actions or produce a limited ranged effect. The effects of a boost are very brief and take a small toll on the caster's stamina.

Boosts are the first interaction with mana for most residents of Mezia. Boosts are much easier to learn than spells and can be cast using pure mana, making them accessible to almost anyone. In many places children are taught to use boosts at around 6 or 7 years old. Most adults are experienced with boosting and can boost instinctively.

A boost can target the caster or something or someone they are in contact with. Boosting yourself or an object is fairly straightforward, but boosting someone else can produce mixed results. In order to avoid any mishaps, the caster should practice boosting with their target before using it in high consequence situations.

Lucide-swords.svg Boosting can be done as part of any other action, and multiple boosts can be cast simultaneously.

Pure Mana Boosts

There are five boosts that can be done with just pure mana.


Accelerate propels a target in a direction of the caster's choosing. An object is flung through the air. A person may appear to jump exceptionally high or far. If the target is a person who is not the caster, they may experience an uncontrolled fling rather than a controlled "jump".

Be careful about where you will land after using accelerate. However high you get is how high you will fall from, and you may have to use another boost or get injured when landing.

An amateur caster can accelerate themselves at 8 ms26.25 fts
28.8 kmhr
17.9 mihr
. This is enough to travel 3.26 m10.7 ft vertically or 6.53 m21.42 ft horizontally, depending on the launch angle.[1] An experienced caster can accelerate up to 10 ms32.81 fts
36 kmhr
22.37 mihr
, while a master can reach 12 ms39.37 fts
43.2 kmhr
26.84 mihr

Lucide-swords.svg Accelerate is very versatile and its uses include bypassing obstacles, reaching new locations, or getting out of harm's way.


Amplify increases the impact force imparted by a target. An object such as a tool or weapon will be more effective, such as a shovel breaking through a tough patch of dirt. A person can amplify their punches, kicks, headbutts, and other impacts.

Use caution when casting amplify, as it can seriously injure yourself or someone else if you're not careful. This boost is responsible for the most injuries in kids learning to boost.

An amateur caster can double their impact force, an experienced caster can triple it, and a master can quadruple it. For context, an average human adult male punch is about 800 N179.85 lbf, an amateur boxer can deliver between 1600 N359.69 lbf and 2400 N539.54 lbf per punch, and a professional heavyweight boxer can punch at up to 5000 N1124.04 lbf. [2] [3]

Lucide-swords.svg Amplify increases the damage dealt by an attack.


Cushion decreases the impact force imparted on a target. An object or person is protected from hazards such as sword strikes, rockslides, and falling.

Cushion is a very safe boost, even if used improperly is not likely to injure anyone.

An amateur caster can reduce an impact force by half, an experienced caster can reduce it to a third, and a master can reduce it to a quarter. As described in Amplify, 800 N179.85 lbf is about the force of an untrained punch.

Lucide-swords.svg Cushion decreases the damage dealt by an attack or hazard.


Detect reveals the presence of manastones, manamaterials, other mana charged objects, and spells. Detect has no target, it simply draws the caster's attention to something of interest, if it exists nearby.

Detect is the safest of the boosts, with no way to misuse it besides overusing and exhausting oneself.

An amateur caster can detect the general direction of something within 10 m32.81 ft, an experienced caster detects a precise direction within 20 m65.62 ft, and a master detects a precise direction and some insight about what was detected within 30 m98.43 ft.


Expel shoots a burst of mana that can strike things a short distance away. Lightweight or unstable objects may be knocked over, or a projectile's flight may be disrupted if timed correctly. A person may be knocked off balance if they're not steady, but will not be harmed.

Expel is relatively safe and is used frequently in a variety of children's games.

An amateur caster can strike targets up to 3 m9.84 ft away, 5 m16.4 ft if experienced or 7 m22.97 ft for masters.

Lucide-swords.svg Expel could knock a projectile off course or push over an unstable boulder.


Infuse channels mana into a target. Objects are briefly given magic properties which can change how they function, especially in the presence of other magic. Infusing a person with mana can also change their interactions with magic, but also causes a brief unpleasant sensation.

An amateur caster can infuse up to 1 mipA mip is a measure of mana. of mana, increasing to 2 mipsA mip is a measure of mana. for experienced casters and 3 mipsA mip is a measure of mana. for masters.

Lucide-swords.svg Infuse has many uses, but one common one is infusing a non-magic weapon to overcome magic defences.

Elemental Mana Boosts

Some elements may have additional boost effects that don’t fit into one of the above types.


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