Mezia RPG

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(Redirected from Campaign)

Mezia RPG is a tabletop role-playing game designed specifically to interact with the fantasy world of Mezia. Mezia RPG tailors the combat mechanics, magic powers, exploration features, and social encounters all to fit the setting and lore of Mezia. Mezia RPG is not limited to be played in the Mezia setting, and you are welcome to adapt it to your own world.

Game Master and Players

Mezia RPG is typically played with one game master and several players sharing an adventure. The adventure is a campaign designed by the GM (or one of the templates on this wiki) with a clear final goal. Players start by creating a player character and providing them with the skills and equipment they will need to accomplish their goal. GMs present the players with plot hooks and obstacles, and players make decisions and roll dice to determine outcomes.

New players should review the Player, Player Character (PC), and Character sheet pages. In addition, review the Combat, Downtime, and Exploration pages to understand those three aspects of gameplay.

Campaigns and Sessions

A campaign is a series of sessions following a plot, usually involving the same players and characters. Many campaigns span several sessions and many months or years both in-game time and real time. Some much shorter campaigns are designed to be completed in one or a few sessions, and are often called "one-shots".

A session is one part of a campaign or one-shot, usually involving all or most of the players in the campaign. Sessions are the chunks of time that players are continuously involved in a game. Each session brings both the players and characters closer to the end of the campaign, and experience points are typically awarded at the end of each session.

Session Zero

Session zero is the first session of a campaign used to introduce players to the setting, establish ground rules, and collaboratively create player characters.

To introduce players to the setting, start with the world of Mezia and focus in on the specific location the campaign will be taking place, or at least where it will start. All players should understand where they are, how the world functions, and what the campaign aims to achieve.

Establishing ground rules before a campaign begins is important to creating an open and inviting atmosphere for everyone. There may be certain situations that one or more players just aren't interested in experiencing in the game, and this step is here to empower them to make it very clear from the beginning which topics are off limits. Even if everyone at the table is friends, and even if you've played multiple games before, do not assume what the appropriate settings are for this campaign. It is important to remember that this is a game and games should be fun for everyone playing, so take the time to make sure everyone has a chance to speak up for themselves. Remember to write down the final decision to reference if any issues arise.

Ground Rules
Violence Discuss the appropriate level of violence. Some players may prefer vivid descriptions of blood and gore while others want a completely pacifist setting or cartoonish descriptions of violence. If some violence is allowed in general, discuss what groups (if any) are off limits for violence. Some examples may include children, elderly, or animals.
Discrimination Discuss the appropriate level of discrimination (xenophobia/homophobia/transphobia/etc). Some players may be fine with open discrimination and oppresion, others may be ok with mild discriminatory banter, and others may prefer no discrimination at all. If some discrimination is allowed in general, discuss what groups (if any) are off limits for discrimination. Some examples may include specific species or sexual identities.
Sex Discuss the appropriate level of sex. Some player may prefer vivid descriptions of sexual acts while others want no sexual activity whatsoever. If some sex is allowed in general, discuss what groups (if any) are off limits for sex. Some examples may include children, non-consenting adults, or certain player characters.
Death Discuss whether player characters should be allowed to die and how deadly encounters should be. Some players may prefer a game that is very deadly and could end with a bit of carelessness or unlucky rolls, while others may want to enjoy the story of the game without worrying about dying before the end. It may be possible to tailor death preferences on a character by character basis, and alternative penalties such as being captured and imprisoned may be a good solution to players who end up in a situation where they otherwise would have died.
Secrets Discuss whether player characters should be allowed to have a secret agenda and betray one another. Some players may prefer a game where you can't fully trust the other players and others may not enjoy being betrayed by their fellow player.



Dice are used to determine the outcomes of most actions. Mezia RPG uses percentile dice (d100) for all rolls. Percentile dice can be either a 100-sided die or two 10-sided dice. In either case, the results should be from 1-100, not 0-99.

Dice results can be modified by bonuses and maxima. A bonus is added to the dice result, so a roll of 43 and a +4 bonus results in 47. A maxima limits the maximum possible value that can be used when performing an action, and is almost always the result of a skill. For example, a character that is proficient in music has a maxima of 60, so any roll greater than 60 will be treated as a 60 instead.

Virtual Dice Rollers

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