Cloud slime

From AP Wiki
name Level 2 Combat
Small species Damage Limit: # Passive Defense: 0
Question mark grey.svg Weakness:




  • Amorphous: Can fit through openings as small as 1 cm across.
  • Camouflage: 3 successes to hiding and staying hidden in any environment.
  • Hive mind: +1 bonus for each other creature with hive mind performing the same action.
  • Hover
  • Instant regenerate: Immune to several conditions.

A cloud slime is a small ooze (aka. a slime). Cloud slimes are most commonly found drifting in the air, especially in actual clouds or fog.

Cloud slimes, regardless of number, attack by grabbing a creature in the air then plummenting to the ground with them. They do this by absorbing a large amount of water very quickly, making themselves heavy enough to fall to the ground. Once the creature they slam to the ground is dead, the slimes will release the water and drift away with a chunk of the body to slowly dissolve everything organic. If a cloud slime drifts away with inorganic matter, it will release it. Since cloud slimes occasionally scavenge from the ground, large numbers of cloud slimes feasting on a battlefiled can lead to a deadly rain of weapons nearby. Cloud slimes are not generally dangerous to people, unless they're flying. In some cases, cloud slimes can use their hive mind trait to group up and lift people passing through dense fog.

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