Resistant to Ice
Swat [0] Melee +20. Hits a creature climbing on giant. Target makes a DN 10+Melee Stamina roll to stay on.
Throw Ice [0] Ranged +30. Giant ice ball that can crush target. Can be enchanted pre-throw.
Stomp [0] Melee +30. Ice forms in 3m radius around stomp. Creatures in this area take 10 ice damage and are pushed out of radius.
Axe Cleave [1] Melee +40. Hits all creatures in a 2m*10m area.
Enchant Ice [5] Choose 1:
- Summons 2 small and 1 medium ice elmental from a block of ice.
- Summons a large ice elemental from a block of ice.
- Giant Dragonhide Glove
- 200 Supplies
- Gelid Blood
- Giant Heart
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