Giant snow spider

From AP Wiki
name Level 4 Combat
Huge species Damage Limit: # Passive Defense: 0
Guten Appetit - panoramio.jpg Weakness:




  • Fear of Fire
  • Sticky grip: Can move along vertical surfaces and ceilings without penalty. Creatures restrained by it have a -2 penalty to escape.

A giant snow spider is a large or huge insect. Giant snow spiders live in boreal forests catching rabbits, foxes, birds, boars, and reindeer in their large webs. When a creature gets trapped in the web, the spider immediately descends to tie up its prey. If there are more creatures around, multple spiders will shoot web from the trees and come down.


A single giant snow spider will usually only be encountered when it wants to be. This usually happens when someone is alone and gets trapped in the spider's web. The spider will come out of hiding, freeze the unfortunate prisoner, and wrap them up to eat later.

The spider will usually retreat if its prey escapes and puts up much of a fight, even if the spider is more powerful. It can wait for another meal later.


A pack of giant snow spiders are encountered in a similar manner to a solitary spider, but will attack a group more aggressively than a single spider would. They will still wait for someone to get trapped in a web, but if that doesn't happen they will attack with web shots and poison as long as they have the advantage in numbers.


A horde of giant snow spiders would typically only be encountered by entering a giant snow spider nest. When in a nest, giant snow spiders will attack fiercly and relentlessly, not stopping until the threat is gone or the nest is destroyed.

Clearing a giant snow spider nest is no easy task. A small nest can span a hectare and contain around 20 giant snow spiders. A larger nest of around 4 hectares can support up to 100 giant snow spiders. While fire is effective, igniting a giant snow spider nest will send the spiders into a frenzy and could easily trap the arsonists.


  • Frost Glands (Rare)
  • Spider Eyes (Uncommon)

Similar Species

For other giant spiders, see Giant spider, Giant wolf spider and Giant jumping spider.
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