Gnanesh Aaron Gutierrez

From AP Wiki

My name is Gnanesh Aaron Gutierrez. I was born and raised in the small town of Aquire, east of Wibzendell. Since I can remember, machines, gadgets, and mechanisms attracted my attention and interest, leading me to learn more and more about them as the time went by. Growing up in Aquire, however, made it difficult to improve. Due to the underdevelopment of the area, the opportunities to learn and develop the skills I was looking proved to be hard. As such, at the youngest legal age possible, I embarked on an adventure outside of my town, bid farewell to my family, and with the few books I had, I left Aquire for good. Learning how to care for myself in such voyage was no easy task, but I managed to improve my social skills, meeting many different artificers around the city of Wibzendell. There, I began learning crafting, “machining”, and understanding the principles of mechanical design. With my new found knowledge, I managed to create my own artifacts, including a small housekeeping robot, as well as a basic farmer robot (I donated them to my masters). However, I wanted to learn more, I wanted to improve more, and so I began a year’s long trip around the continent, looking for more artificers willing to teach me more techniques in machines, maybe even weapons of self-defense. My knowledge grew and grew, but with it, so did people that saw my intelligence and skills as a threat. Due to my size, self-defense was difficult, so instead I decided to build a bigger and more capable robot, one that would be able to defend me from as many threats as possible. I called him San, he makes good company. Along my journeys, I also managed to experience “affection” towards another being of my kind. She was another artificer that was also born in Aquire, but had relocated in the southwestern part of the continent in a city called Ganmi. I managed to meet her after asking about ways to manipulate electricity and energy, something I was told she had knowledge off. This training should’ve taken less than 3 months, but in the process, we managed to talk more aside from crafts, stuff like our individual journeys, our motives (She seeked a better life outside of Aquire), as well as what had been of our families. I learned about her sister, which had vanished from the continent long ago; I learned about her solitude, because no one in her family had talked to hear after she left Aquire. I wanted to help her as she was helping me. I decided to stay alongside her for a full year. It was a great experience, having for the first time experienced this level of intimacy with another gnome that I wanted to help. However, with all things in my life, I knew that this could not last. I had been alerted by my robot that there were people that knew I was in the area and were eager to turn me in to some of my enemies (They managed to find me again). I couldn’t let my special friend, Annava, suffer because of me. So, at the moment, we agreed to let go, hoping for the day that we may see each other again when the conditions are better. I will never forget her, but I had to go. Sometimes, I wonder if I would see her again in any place that I go.

After many adventures across the continent, and many friends and enemies earned and lost, I learned about another material that could improve my machines even further: dragon scales. These ones are only found in the most northern part of this world, and dealing with dragons alone does not seem like the smartest of ideas. At the moment, I am going back to Wibzendell to meet with an old friend and then I hope to see how I can devise a plan to take on this massive challenge. I will update this diary as the trip goes. For the moment, this was Gnanesh.

Gnanesh’s construct is a simple. medium, scrap-made, human-shaped construct with 5 features. One of the features is the saw arm and another feature is walking (legs), and a third feature is responding to commands. The construct can operate independently based on verbal commands.

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