Ice elemental

From AP Wiki


Weak to Fire, Immune to Ice


Ray of Frost (small) [0] Ranged +10. Fires a freezing ray at anything that moved the most in the last turn (within 10 meters). Creature must succeed a DN damage frost check or become frozen.

Ray of Frost (medium) [0] Ranged +20. Fires a freezing ray at anything that moved the most in the last turn (within 15 meters). Creature must succeed a DN damage frost check or become frozen.

Ray of Frost (large) [0] Ranged +30. Fires a freezing ray at anything that moved the most in the last turn (within 20 meters). Creature must succeed a DN damage frost check or become frozen.

Explosion (any) [4] Ranged. When no moving targets are left in range, ice elementals explode in a blast that freezes everything in a range double their ray of frost range. Creatures must succeed a DN range frost check or become frozen.


  • Elemental Ice
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