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An item is an object a character could carry, use, or interact with.

Items are ranked according to rarity:

  • Common items can be found anywhere.
  • Uncommon items are harder to find.
  • Rare items do not show up very often.
  • Legendary items are highly sought after, and often require a quest or significant effort to acquire.

Item Categories


A consumable is an item that is expended after use. This includes currency, food & drink, potions.


Equipment is equipped to a character to provide an effect that usually lasts until the equipment is damaged or removed.


A tool is an item that can be used multiple times and stowed while not in use. This includes light sources, kits, and many artifacts.


A vehicle is an item used to travel, often across long distances or difficult terrain. This includes ships, airships, and more.


Crafting an item is the steps it takes to create an item using raw materials. Regardless what the item is or what it is made of, it requires the same steps to craft.

Crafting has three stages: foundation, function, and form. Different items will require different number of successes for each. Crafting is done using the Craft skill. When crafting an item, the main craftsperson has a number of crafting dice equal to their craft skill. Others can add dice to the pool by assisting.

Crafting begins with foundation. The foundation of an item is forming the raw materials into pieces that can be used in the final product. For a sword this could be folding the metal for the blade, or for a pizza it could be making the dough. All items have some foundation requirement.

The next stage is function. The function of an item is what makes it practical. For a sword this could be forming and sharpening the blade, or for a pizza it could be adding the sauce and toppings. Most items have function, but art pieces generally eschew function for more form.

The final stage is form. The form of an item is how it is presented. For a sword this could be an elaborate hilt or guard, or for a pizza it could be placing the toppings intentionally or adding a bit of flair at the end. Many basic items ignore form, but more advanced items rely on it.

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