Rock slime

From AP Wiki
name Level 2 Combat
Small species Damage Limit: # Passive Defense: 0
Question mark grey.svg Weakness:




  • Amorphous: Can fit through openings as small as 1 cm across.
  • Camouflage: 3 successes to hiding and staying hidden in any environment.
  • Firm grip: Gets a +3 bonus to grappling a target.
  • Hive mind: +1 bonus for each other creature with hive mind performing the same action.
  • Instant regenerate: Immune to several conditions.

A rock slime is a small ooze (aka. a slime). Rock slimes are most commonly found in fields of rubble, especially in caves or on mountains.

Rock slimes, regardless of number, attack by grabbing a creature and holding them in place. Multiple rock slimes will converge on the trapped creature, surround it, and slowly dissolve everything organic, down to the bones. A single rock slime is not much of a threat to a person, though it can trap them for a long time if they're traveling alone. Being surrounded by many rock slimes is almost impossible to escape when they use their hive mind trait.

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