Sandbox:Aether mana

From AP Wiki


A gravity mage's first spell controls gravity for offensive, defensive, and practical purposes.

Control Gravity
Gravity Cantrip
Scale: Volume (1 m3) 1m/side
Volume (64 m3)
Range: Reach Self-Far
Duration: Instant Passive Concentration
Control Gravity increases or decreases the gravity in a single, continuous volume of space.
Force targets to the ground resulting in damage and possibly knocking them prone.
Deter: Increase gravity to slow down an enemy enough to prevent their attack.
Dodge: Decrease gravity by an ally allowing them to jump out of harm's way.
Decrease gravity: Moving heavy objects becomes easier, jumping and climbing becomes easier (may require Athletics).
Increase gravity: Objects become more difficult to move, jumping and climbing becomes more difficult.

A friction mage's first spells are controlling friction for offensive, defensive, and practical purposes.

Control Friction
Friction Cantrip
Scale: Area (1 m2) 1m/side
Area (16 m2)
Range: Reach Self-Far
Duration: Instant Passive Concentration
Control Friction increases or decreases the friction of a single, continuous, visible surface.
Create slick surfaces to slip up targets resulting in damage and possibly knocking them prone.
Deter: Increase surface friction to slow down an enemy enough to prevent their attack.
Dodge: Decrease surface friction by an ally allowing them to slip out of harm's way.
Decrease surface friction: moving heavy objects becomes easier, movement can be sped up (may require Athletics), and some objects (like a ladder) can become temporarily useless.
Increase surface friction: objects become more difficult to move, movement can be slowed down, and a vertical surface can become climbable (may require Acrobatics).


  • Gravity Link - bind objects or creatures gravitationally
  • Gravity Well - create a gravitational well that draws objects to it
  • Reverse Gravity - create a space where gravity pulls up
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