
From AP Wiki

A trait is a character aspect that describes something unique about them and has an impact on gameplay. Traits are picked during character creation using points, and can have a positive or negative value. Traits generally do not change during a campaign, although they can under certain circumstances. For a list of all traits in a table, see list of traits.

Free Traits

Free traits are those that don't cost any points, a character can simply choose to have it. These traits are generally thematic or functionally alter the game in ways unlike most other traits.

Plot Armor

The character can't be killed under usual circumstances. They still suffer penalties from conditions, can be defeated in combat, can be captured and imprisoned, etc. This doesn't make the character immortal. If they jump into a pool of lava or fight a demon lord on their own or perform other reckless acts the GM has the authority to kill the character. Plot armor exists for players who want to indicate to their GM that they're not interested in making a new character due to a stroke of bad luck or unfortunate mistakes. Plot armor is not intended to make the game any easier or harder, just to preserve the character so they can have a continuous story throughout a campaign.

Secret Contract

The character has a deal with someone that they don't want anyone, even the other players, to know about. A secret contract could vary in severty from a mistress with some blackmail to a devil owning the character's soul. The important thing about the contract is that the character should have a strong incentive to keep whoever they have a contract with satisfied and to keep the contract a secret. Not all GMs will want to play a game involving deceiving the other players, so ask your GM if a secret contract is right for you.

Positive Traits

Positive traits have a positve cost, meaning taking them increases the number of points a player has to spend. These traits usually provide some benefit.

Strong (+1)

The "strong" trait allows characters to carry more, heavier items. Great weapons and heavy armor require this trait to be used without a penalty. The large pack can only be used by "strong" characters. In some situations a player may request a bonus to their action for being "strong", such as moving a stuck lever or holding up a trapdoor.

Strong characters can carry one heavy item with no penalty

Sorcerous (+1)

A character with the "sorcerous" trait was born with magical abilities. The "sorcerous" trait grants a character the ability to use innato.

Scotopic (+1)

Better vision in dim conditions.

Photopic (+1)

Better vision in bright conditions.

Hardy (+1)

Resistant to poison. Recover from poison faster.

Immune (+1)

Resistant to disease. Recover from disease faster.

Brave (+1)

Resistant to fear. Recover from fear faster.

Big (+1)

Much bigger than average. Can carry large pack (huge pack if also Strong). May not fit through some openings. Some equipment may not fit properly. Need 50% more food per day.

Fast (+1)

You have faster movement and bonus on initiative checks.

Amplified Ears (+1)

Your hearing is great. You have a bonus on checks which rely on hearing.

Thick-Skinned (+1)

You have some natural armor, whether it be thick skin, scales, or something else. You have a permanent passive defense of 1, which stacks with whatever armor you’re wearing.

Aquatic (+1)

Your body was made for the water. You have gills which allow you to breathe underwater and webbed hands and feet which give you advantage when swimming. You must keep your body wet at all times. You must long rest submerged in water to gain the benefit of a long rest.

Amphibious (+1)

Your body was made for the water. You have webbed hands and feet which give you advantage when swimming. You must long rest submerged in water to gain the benefit of a long rest.

Jack of all Trades (+1)

You are good at learning many different things. When a skill has a specialty and imposes a penalty on non-specialized uses of that skill, reduce that penalty by 1.

Negative Traits

Negative traits have a negative cost, meaning taking them decreases the number of points a player has to spend. These traits usually cause some hinderance.

Weak (-1)

The "weak" trait limits what a character can carry. Only light weapons, like most covert weapons can be used without a penalty. "Weak" characters can only carry a small pack and wear light armor. In some situations a GM may impose a penalty to a character's actions for being "weak", such as moving a stuck lever or holding up a trapdoor.

Cowardly (-1)

Vulnerable to fear. Recover from fear slower. Pick a fear (ie. Spiders, zombies, the dark). When confronted with your fear make a fear check.

Small (-1)

Much smaller than average. Can only carry a small pack (tiny pack if also Weak). May be able to fit in some openings others couldn't. Some equipment may not fit properly. Need 50% less food per day. Advantage on stealth checks made when using your size?

Slow (-1)

You have slower movement and penalty on initiative checks.

Hard of Hearing (-1)

Your hearing is bad. You have permanent, uncurable partial deafness.

Low Vision (-1)

Your eyesight is bad. You have permanent, uncurable partial blindness.

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