My name is Xaiver (Haviair) Solomon (solo-maan). I am approximately 34 years in age and look something like this
But wearing this:
Think of the wildlings from game of thrones basically...
Seeing as we are in age of sail era, I was aboard a merchantile ship traveling from Zerlon to Winbzendell. I was traveling aboard as a crewman on the ship in an attempt to voyage to the western part of the world while the seas were still good in an attempt to continue my whirlwind adventure. The cargo of the ship was unknown to me, but somewhere in the sea the boat was raided during a storm to the best of my knowledge, but exact events are unclear to me or what reasons or what people raided the ship. I was fortunate enough to have drifted to the very tip of the peninsula of dracodyn. I was then picked up by the old man and the series of events unfolded as you described them.
I would like to ask that my guardian and I interacted with both the indigenous peoples and a small outpost garrison that is stationed on the peninsula. Blue is the location of my landing and my lighthouse, orange being the location of the garrison. The exact state of upkeep of the garrison is entirely up to you, I would just like to say that it exists. The green line is the farthest I have traveled on land.
There are native peoples that live on this land, they are assumedly geographically and societally similar to Chukchi people. They trust me and will allow me to pass on their land with usually little to no trouble as I have acted between the garrison and their interests in the past. However , this does not make me a hero to them, I’m just the easiest guy to talk to that not part of the tribe. In their language I am called “south paw” or “sea bear” . Im not sure if you have a culture in mind for these people, but if you want me to create one I can.
My character architype is grizzled stoic hunter type with some extensive nautical knowledge. Basically davey crocket. I do not ride my bear very often as I consider it disrespectful, but the bear and I hunt and travel together provided the bear is not hibernating. I am not a fighter nor a magic user and would classify my stats to be more dexterity and rogue like. I track and stalk and move fast. The only possessions I own that are metal are my two spear/ice axe tips. I replenish/ repair these at the garrison/lighthouse. Everything else I use is bone or leather or cloth. I fight using roping, spearing, anchoring and ambush techniques with support from bear.
Besides the boat, I have various snow shoes ,skis, sleds, and ice boats at the light house that can carry roughly 500 lbs. it takes a day’s journey by skis to reach the garrison.