Young white dragon

From AP Wiki

A young dragon is not to be trifled with. Despite not being nearly the size of their elders, young dragons are very powerful.


Resistant to Ice

Can fly


Slam [1] 4m Melee Line +4. Slams body onto all creatures in 4m line. Can't be blocked.

Bite [0] Melee +6. Bite a single creature. On doubles the creature is trapped in the Nilaklik's mouth.

Erupt [1] Melee +6. After submerging, erupts from the ice underneath a creature.

Ice Breath [4] 6m Ranged Cone +9. One round of prep followed by a blast of frigid air. All creatures hit by the attack make a DN19 Physique roll or are Frozen. Each round unfreeze difficulty lowers by 2.


  • Frost Glands (RI)
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