Zorrah are the chosen species of Asuanna, originating in the Asuanian Ocean near Guarpodri Archipelago. Zorrah live all around the world, but due to their aquatic nature most live underwater or occasionally in coastal settlements.
Zorrah are well known to people living in coastal areas, as they can and often do come on land for a few hours at a time. They are expert fishers, and will often trade seafood for other useful goods. Zorrah are not particulary territorial on the surface, as much of what they value rests on the ocean floor. Shipwrecks that fall in the wrong spot can damage zorrah settlements and lead to fighting.
Zorrah are built similarly to humans, although they are adapted to life underwater, with flippers, powerful lungs, and pale to dark blueish-gray skin. Zorrah have an expected lifespan of around 93 years.